Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
—Marie Skłodowska Curie
- Assistant Professor and Eliza Ricketts Foundation Career Development Chair at the Department of Mathematics (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), since August 2023
- Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Mathematics (University of California, Berkeley), October 2020 - August 2023
- Postdoctoral Researcher at the Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences (University of Oslo), July 2020 - September 2020
- President and Founder of the University of Oslo SIAM Student Chapter (Univeristy of Oslo), June 2019 - September 2020
- Doctoral Research Fellow at the Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences (University of Oslo), September 2017 - June 2020
- Research Assistant at the Department of Theoretical physics (Techincal University of Berlin), September 2016 - August 2017
- Teaching Assistant at the Department of Mathematics (Techincal University of Berlin), October 2014 - August 2017
Awards and Honors
- Oberwolfach Research Fellow (2022)
- Longuet-Higgins Early Career Researcher Prize, 2019
- Oberwolfach Leibniz Graduate Student (2018)
- IBM Zerner Graduate Student Award (58th Sanibel Symposium, 2018)
- Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Communication Programm of the Deutsche Physicalische Gesellschaft e.V. for scientific communication between young generation scientists (2017)
Philosophiae Doctor, June 2020
Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Visiting Student Researcher, December 2019–January 2020
Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finnland
(Grant: HPC-Europa 3)
Visiting Student Researcher, July 2019–August 2019
Department of Mathematics, Tu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
(Grant: Internationalization Support from UiO:Life Science)
Visiting Student Researcher, September 2018–May 2019
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA
(Grant: Peder Sather Grant)
Master of Science in Mathematics, August 2017
Department of Mathematics, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Bachelor of Science in Physics, July 2016
Department of Physics, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, August 2015
Department of Mathematics, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Conference presentations
ICIAM 2023 TOKYO [inv. speaker]
Tokyo, Japan (August, 2023, conference)
62th Sanibel Symposium [speaker]
St. Simons Island, Georgia (February, 2023, conference)
Advancing Quantum Mechanics with Mathematics and Statistics (WSII) [inv. speaker]
IPAM, University of California, Los Angeles, California (April, 2022, conference)
(Pure state v-representability of density matrix embedding theory—an augmented Lagrangian perspective )
61th Sanibel Symposium [speaker]
St. Simons Island, Georgia (February, 2022, conference)
Tensor product methods for strongly correlated molecular systems [speaker]
Virtual (March, 2021, conference)
APS March Meeting 2021 [speaker]
Virtual (March, 2021, conference)
60th Sanibel Symposium [speaker]
St. Simons Island, Georgia (February, 2020, conference)
Annual Meeting in Quantum and Computational Chemistry of the Norwegian Chemical Society [speaker]
Trondheim, Norway (October, 2019, conference)
59th Sanibel Symposium [speaker]
St. Simons Island, Georgia (February, 2019, conference)
34th Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry [poster]
Helsinki, Finland (December, 2018, Winter Graduate School)
Atoms, Molecules and Materials in Extreme Environments [poster]
Oslo, Norway (June, 2018, conference)
MFO Workshop "Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry" [inv. speaker]
Oberwolfach, Germany (March, 2018, Workshop)
58th Sanibel Symposium [speaker]
St. Simons Island, Georgia (February, 2018, conference)
IWR School "Mathematical Methods for Quantum Chemistry" [speaker]
Heidelberg, Germany (October, 2017, Summer Graduate School)
Wavelet and Tensor Methods for Partial Differential Equations[speaker]
Berlin, Germany (May, 2017, conference)
DPG-Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) [speaker]
Dresden, Germany (March, 2017, conference)
Selected seminar presentations
Strongly correlated quantum chemistry: numerical analysis and recent applications [invited talk]
GPM-Oberseminar, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, August 2023
Strongly correlated quantum chemistry: numerical analysis and recent applications [invited talk]
MPI-Oberseminar, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, June 2023
Strongly correlated quantum chemistry: numerical analysis and recent applications [invited talk]
Seminar for Applied Mathematics, Stanford, Palo Alto, April 2023
Strongly correlated quantum chemistry: numerical analysis and recent applications [invited talk]
Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM) Colloquium, Purdue, Lafayette, March 2023
Strongly correlated quantum chemistry: numerical analysis and recent applications [invited talk]
Seminar for Applied Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Twin-cities, March 2023
Strongly correlated quantum chemistry: numerical analysis and recent applications [invited talk]
Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Troy, February 2023
On the Pure State V-representability of Density Matrix Embedding Theory [invited talk]
Computational and Applied Mathematics Colloquium, The University of Chicago, Illinois, November 2022
On the Pure State V-representability of Density Matrix Embedding Theory [invited talk]
Extreme scale mathematically-based computational chemistry (EMC2) smeinar, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris, September 2022
Discontinuous Galerkin discretization for quantum simulation of chemistry [invited talk]
Quantum computing seminar, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway, Sepember 2019
Quantum Chemistry—a quantum computing perspective [invited talk]
Strategic project on quantum computing, SINTEF, Oslo, Norway, June 2019
Gausslet basis sets in quantum chemistry
Math 290: quantum many body seminar, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA, October 2018